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Focus on Individual Growth

ensemble model of music schools is distracting to personal growth

My teacher has reminded me time and time again that the model for music schools began focused on the individual, solo playing, and personal growth. However, in today's music school environment, there is a heavy focus on ensemble playing. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this most of the time. However, it can be a bit distracting.


This past summer was the first time that I really experienced what it was like to practice a lot for individual growth. I was experimenting with different techniques, building habits, and reading a good bit. Then I got to school and immediately got caught up learning my ensemble music. This is not a bad thing, but it is easy to lose the focus on individual growth. Potential Solution: I've set a designated a specific amount of time that I will practice for ensemble music (ex. 45 mins a day), and I will rearrange my other practice goals to work on solos, habit building, fundamentals, etc. This seesaw needs to fall the other direction.


Time to keep exploring,


Adam C White


My current teacher is Dr. Rob Murray at Columbus State University

My teacher has reminded me time and time again that the model for music schools began focused on the individual, solo playing, and personal growth. However, in today's music school environment, there is a heavy focus on ensemble playing. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this most of the time. However, it can be a bit distracting.

This past summer was the first time that I really experienced what it was like to practice a lot for individual growth. I was experimenting with different techniques, building habits, and reading a good bit. Then I got to school and immediately got caught up learning my ensemble music. This is not a bad thing, but it is easy to lose the focus on individual growth. Potential Solution: I've set a designated a specific amount of time that I will practice for ensemble music (ex. 45 mins a day), and I will rearrange my other practice goals to work on solos, habit building, fundamentals, etc. This seesaw needs to fall the other direction.

Time to keep exploring,

Adam C White